Nov. 2, 2015
NANAIMO - Vancouver Island University graphic design student creates logo for the Nanaimo Arts Council.
The Nanaimo Arts Council has a new streamlined and brightly coloured logo thanks to the creativity of a Vancouver Island University graphic design student.
Bee Macadam, a second year VIU student working toward a Bachelor of Art degree, majoring in graphic design, produced the logo during her design process class this spring term.
“It was a really great experience for us because we’re practising working with clients and we do a lot of role playing,” said Macadam, who went on to work with the council as a summer student.
Graphic design professor Nancy Pagé integrated the logo design process as part of the curriculum, which offered students a ‘real world’ experience of working for a client, learning about the organization through research, and then designing a logo from concept to completion. It also gave students the added training of working with a client’s feedback and requirements.
The logo adheres to the arts council’s vision as a ‘catalyst for creative community.’ The council has operated in the city since 1965.
Sarah Schmidt, NAC executive director, said Macadam’s logo was chosen by herself and NAC president Melanie Godel, who were impressed with the calibre of designs from the entire class.
Macadam, who received an honorarium for her logo design, also designed the council’s new website,